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Helping Your Brain Rewire Itself

This section is an expert contribution from Dr. Craig Tanio.

Dr. Craig Tanio is the co-founder of Rezilir Health, a clinical group specializing in reversing preventable chronic disease with a focus on the prevention and reversal of early Alzheimer’s and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. All sources in this section can be found in our RESOURCES section.

Over the last decade, there has been an increasing amount of evidence that the brain can rewire itself via a concept known as neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is a process that occurs throughout life and is the basis for learning and development. The brain can undergo structural neuroplasticity by growing new neurons or strengthening existing connections between neurons in response to learning a new skill or exposure to new experiences. The brain can also reorganize its function in response to experience. For example, if one part of the brain becomes damaged, other parts can compensate.

At Rezilir Health, we promote a 3-step approach to using neuroplasticity to achieve patient goals:

  1. Objective measurement using QEEG (Quantitative electroencephalography)
  2. Retraining your brain through a variety of neuromodulating strategies based on the clinical situation
  3. Following progress with QEEG and other home biomonitoring devices to adjust strategies based on biomarkers as well as symptoms