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Setting Time Expectations

Creating an environment for restful work to happen consistently takes time - literally. It is a slow process for many of us because of the vast amount of untangling we need to do with our thinking, behaviors, and neural pathways. Despite–and maybe because of–the work involved, we know it will be worth it. As you can imagine, everyone’s path to a restful OS will look different, and there is no preset amount of time that you can expect change to be noticeable. Because of the variation inherent in each of our situations, we suggest setting aside a dedicated amount of time each week to focus on tackling each step of the OS framework.

Start small, learn the curriculum, get community support, and execute the new habits one at a time. Research shows that habit formation can take an average of 66 days for the habit to become automatic. A common successful approach to making big changes in your life is called habit stacking which focuses on changing no more than 1-2 habits in a 30-day period. The trick is to find what to work on first, focus on just that one thing, and enjoy the process of maintaining it.