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Restful Work

The goal of Developer Health OS is to allow us to achieve restful work regularly. We define Restful Work as a work week to look forward to, one that is filled with joy and rest, and which unfolds at a calm, unhurried pace. Restful work encompasses both a physical time and place as well as a state of mind where we are free to do our best work. Restful work allows us to devote our mental and physical resources to our jobs and the freedom to pull back and acknowledge that work is just one part of our lives. The days comprising a restful workweek have a clear start and end, undisturbed personal time, and consistent, ample time for sleep. Restful work means we are better parents, partners, friends, and employees. Restful work leads to putting our health first and, ultimately, finding a place of deep contentment.

The Developer Health OS will use restful work as its ultimate North Star. Each of the following sections will explore the individual components needed to achieve a restful work environment, and when coupled with the Developer Health OS Workbook to complete the cerebral calisthenics, you will be able to identify your restful work preferences and begin implementing them into your own life.

This section of the Developer Health OS corresponds to Cerebral Calisthenics #1 Begin with the end in mind in the DHOS Workbook