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Who is This Designed For?

We’ve designed Developer Health OS for the knowledge worker who works in the technology field, which we refer to as the “tech worker.” Working on a computer all day, often in a fast-moving, isolated environment, is uniquely challenging. Humans were not designed to sit in front of a screen for 6-12 hours at a time solving complex problems. We were not designed to deal with multiple inboxes full of emails and DMs coming at us from every direction. Therefore, tech workers are often self-injured and burned out due to the overexertion and dedicated reliance on one part of our body–the brain–that was not built for prolonged exposure to multiple sources of digital input in the absence of both regular physical release as well as human-to-human social interaction.

Since our mission at G2i is specifically focused on software developers, Developer Health OS will speak most directly to the developer. However, our health-first focus is broad enough to benefit any tech worker.